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On June 20, 2022 the New York Times released an article entitled, “A Wildfire Year”, by Ashley Wu and Matthew Cullin. It led off with the allegation that “This year has been historically bad for wildfires, and there are still months to go.” Typical of the NYT, the article was filled with cherry picked data and broad generalities to support their religion: Global Climate Change.

The article showed a graph with the number of wildfires that occurred during the first five and a half months for the past 11 years:

Using annual information from the same source, the National Interagency Fire Center, and for a longer timeframe, an entirely different picture is obvious:

Clearly, the use of the first half of the year is intended to support the narrative that climate change is causing an increasing number of wildfires in the US, a narrative that falls apart when examining the data for the entire year, which shows that after peaking at 96,385 fires in 2006 the number of fires has been trending downward, to 58,985 in 2021.

Throughout the article the nebulous term “Climate Change” is used as though it’s proven science, which it is not. Tens of thousands of scientists disagree with the climate change narrative but are shouted down by publications like the NYT and agenda driven authors like Wu and Cullen. The real mystery is how the NYT remains the de facto newspaper of record for the US, and much of the world, despite decades of spreading misinformation.

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